18th Edition Amendment 1 open for draft

The draft of Amendment 1 of the 18th Edition Wiring Regulations is now available through the IET and open for public comment until 30th November.
The Draft for Public Comment (DPC) consists of two additions to BS7671, which are changes to Section 722, Electric Vehicle Charging Installations, and also guidance for TN systems where PME conditions apply.
The draft is available for free on the IET right now and it is due for publish in early 2020 on the IET website, for all to view and download for free. There will be a standard 6 month adjustment period for installers and the industry as a whole to catch up on the new changes.
Only when the next major amendment to BS7671 is published in 2022, will it then form part of a consolidated Wiring Regulations, until then it will remain a free to download document.
The reason for the early amendment was that the required advanced technology was not previously being available at the time of print for the BS7671:2018 in July 2018. With this technology now being more widely accessible, these new regulations aim to make installing charging points easier and quicker for installers.
There is currently a shortage of charging points around the UK, and with all new cars set to be electric or hybrid from 2040, there is a high demand for the charging infrastructure to catch up.
The Head of Technical Regulations at the IET, Mark Coles, recently spoke of the new Amendment, saying that “JPEL/64 has been able to address a new opportunity for electric vehicle charging equipment that provides a practical, cost-saving solution benefiting the industry, consumers and government alike, to help the UK lead the way in the roll-out of infrastructure to support the electric vehicle revolution.
“This update to the IET Wiring Regulations puts the electrical industry at the forefront of driving technological innovation to ensure the installation of practical, safe charging points that are accessible to all.”
But before the draft is published, you have the chance to have your say on the proposed changes. Simply by registering with the IET, you can have access to the document and have your voice heard. If there are any mistakes, corrections, or items you would like looked at in further detail.
To view the changes and have your say, click here.
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