Shortage of Electricians in the UK

Skilled trades are one of the most in demand job in the UK, yet employers are struggling to fill vacancies. The demand for electricians is far exceeding the supply, presenting the perfect opportunity for other skilled trades to add electrics to their business and capitalise on the demand.

Electricians in high demand

Almost a quarter of all job vacancies last year across the UK were due to the increasing skills crisis. Currently, 43% of vacancies in skilled trades are because of skills shortages, with 13% including electricians.


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London is home to the largest shortage of electricians, and with the government aiming to build 1 million homes in England by 2020, there is immense pressure on trade industries to meet this target.

The electrical industry is one of the worst affected by the skills shortage, and apprenticeship schemes are failing to drive out enough candidates to keep up with the growing demand. In some cases, young people simply are not interested in learning a trade or are being taught skills for which jobs do not exist.

Older contractors are also moving out of skilled trade industries, some due to recession led retirement and some because of a career change, creating a gap in the market. There are still vital electrical jobs that need to be carried out in homes around the UK, despite the lack of new entrants into the electrical trade.

Electrical Skills for Life

The shortage of electricians has meant that skilled tradespeople have become more valuable and have seen a spike in their wages and earnings. It is expected that with the number of vital jobs rising and the skills shortage growing, wage inflation will continue until workforce numbers increase.

There is a level of uncertainty in the UK right now and it has never been a better time to be your own boss, with your own company and unlimited potential. With a skilled trade, like electrics, you can not only take advantage of the growing gap in the market, but you can secure your future with a skill for life.

Get qualified today!

Take advantage of the growing skills gap and learn a new trade! With electrics on your side, you can expand your business, customer reach and services you offer!

View Domestic Electrician Package

Opportunities for associate skilled trades

The total number of electricians is failing to keep up with the current demand and it’s a chance for skilled associate trades to capitalise, whether you are employed or work for yourself.

With more smart meters being installed in homes every day, the NICEIC has reported that there is a 95% increased opportunity for more business as they will ultimately change the way homes are designed. These home upgrades will see tradespeople needing to expand their skillset and include electrics, in order to install new smart home technology and understand how associate trades work together.

By incorporating electrics into your business, you are not only building on your existing skillset, but you can also expand your customer reach and offer a wider variety of services, like smart meters, heat management systems and renewable energy.

So if you are a builder or a plumber, don’t choose to sub out electrical work and wait on another contractor – get qualified and take it on yourself! You will be in control of the entire job and with more skills, you will be able to build a stronger company.

Now is the time for you to take advantage and step into a new career, one that is highly paid, highly desirable and highly qualified, as an electrician.

Thinking about becoming an electrician? Take a look at the electrician courses we offer, we offer intense electrician courses for people in all situations, from complete beginners to those from associate trades.

If you enjoyed this post, you can read on to find out more about the demand for women in skilled trades!