EC4U Electrical Training Centre Refurbishment

Here at Electrician Courses 4U, we pride ourselves on delivering the very best electrical training on the market today. We are constantly upgrading the facilities and performance of the training centre, and the service that our customers receive when they choose to train with us.
Recently, we have undertaken extensive renovations in our training centre, to expand and keep up with the customer demand.
Despite refurbishment, we have kept our prices low and realistic in today’s markets, as we understand that retraining in a new career can be expensive. We want our customers to have the best start to their new electrical career at affordable and realistic prices.
Now with additional trainers on board, we are able to accommodate more customers on our practical courses and classroom based regulation courses, such as Part P Building Regulations and 17th Edition Wiring Regulations, than ever before.
Included in our centre refurbishments is the extension of both our Keystage and Level 2 Inspection and Testing workshops, opening up even more space to work in.
We have also extended our Experience Week centre to include an additional large mock style flat, which now gives us three in the centre. Our Experience Week is a unique course that no other training centre provides. It allows our customers to put their new skills to use in realistic settings under the supervision of experienced electricians and electrical trainers.
It’s important that our customers receive real life training, so that they feel confident when they leave, which is why our Experience Week is extremely valuable. It’s important for us to invest in the proper learning environment for our customers and give them the skills they need to succeed.
Our customers have been incredibly impressed with the changes made to the centre, with one even commenting “I can’t believe how well equipped the training centre is” and that “The training centre is fantastic”.
We are thrilled to announce these changes and welcome more customers to our training centre, where they can receive the best practical electrical training in the UK.
If you enjoyed reading about our centre refurbishment, read on to find out more about how EC4U have been awarded best electrical training centre by Kewtech for two years!
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