Why it’s important to register your electrical appliances

A staggering 63% of us do not register any new electrical purchases online. With nearly 93 million wet and dry large appliances being used in homes around the UK, the risk has never been greater.
You may not think registering your appliances is important or necessary, but it actually helps eliminate any potential electrical hazards in your home.
By registering your appliance online, manufacturers can contact you if that product has been recalled or been noted as faulty or dangerous, and arrange for a return or repair. Although 29% of the public do not deem it necessary, registering your appliance could save your life.
In 2016, there were a total of 61 product recalls for electrical items in the UK. Those who registered their items were notified. Those who didn’t register were left in the dark over its dangers.
Most commonly chargers, kettles, irons, toasters and adapters are recalled due to faults. Unfortunately only 10-20% of product recalls are successful, with products being returned or repaired. This poor success rate is down to manufacturers being unable to contact consumers who have purchased the item, because they haven’t registered it online with them.
These items will ultimately continue to be used in the home, putting their owners at risk of electrical fires, shock or worse, death.

How to register your electrical appliance
Most electrical appliances will have instructions for registering the product online. If you’ve had the product a while and never got round to registering it, you can still do so. Most appliance brands will even accept registrations for products up to 12 years old!
It’s also worth noting that if you have purchased an electrical appliance second hand, you are still able to register it online with the manufacturer.
No matter the warranty, where you bought it, or when you bought it, it’s important you get online to register your appliance now.
What you need to know before you register your appliance is:
- The brand name of the appliance
- The appliance model name
- The serial number of the product
- The date you purchased the item (check your receipts!)
Using this information you can go online to: http://www.registermyappliance.org.uk/ to quickly register your appliances with more than 60 major electrical brands and stay updated on any recalls. The process is quick and simple and won’t take you any longer than 5 minutes to do.
Whether you’ve just bought it or you’ve owned the appliance for 5 years, register today and stay electrically safe..
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