EC4U Blog

Catch up with all the latest EC4U news, informative updates, hints, tips, advice and more…

Award for the Best Training Centre

For the second year running, Kewtech has awarded us the ‘best electrical training centre’, this is a great achievement for us and we really do believe that the facilities we have are second to none in the industry. We are always trying to improve our facilities and training experience that we offer to customers who […]

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The Launch of our new Responsive Website

We are proud to release our new responsive website, which we have put together to suit those who like to browse the web on their phones, tablets or other devices. We realised that almost 40% of our website readers are actually looking at us on these devices, so we thought it was necessary to accommodate […]

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Saving energy in the home

Saving energy in the home can be a real money saver when it comes to your electricity bills. A lot of people are completely unaware at how much the smallest of things can save you, and after seeing this infographic and information, we hope you get into the habit of turning off your electrical power […]

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LED vs Fluorescent Lighting

LED (light emitting diodes) is the most modern form of lighting, the actual bulb is very small and emits very little heat. LED lights also have no mercury present in the bulb. A bonus to LED lights is that, compared to traditional fluorescent or incandescent light bulbs, they have no breakable glass reducing further danger and […]

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Different Air Conditioning options for your home this summer

The UK is set for another heat wave this summer, with temperatures soaring to the 30 degrees Celsius mark, it’s going to be a popular trend to have air conditioning in your home. Because a lot of homes in the UK are without built in air conditioning, we’ve put together some different air conditioning options for you […]

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